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Rose of Sharon Acres Blog
Tuesday, October 27 2015
Neem and Oral Care

One of the things that we've always said is that God has put all things on the earth for our health and wellness.  He is the creator of all and gives us wisdom on how to use the gifts He has given us.  One of those gifts, we believe, is the Neem Tree.  Although realitively unknown in the United States, neem is a cornerstone of the ancient Ayurvedic heath care  and is one of the most widely used medicinal herbs in the world.  Our focus today will be Neem Bark/Leaves in Oral care.*  

Gum Disease is a recognized public health problem in the western world. The widespread chronic infection of gums (gingivitis) is even believed to contribute to heart disease.  Chewing on a neem twig has been the commonly preferred way to prevent gum disease and maintain healthy teeth in India for centuries. Researchers found that neem twigs helped villagers avoid cavities and tooth loss, even without access to modern dental facilities. 

Neem Bark contains natural immune-boosting phytonutrients such as azadirachtin and nimbidol.*  

Years of traditional use in India shows that neem can:

    • prevent and heal gum disease,
    • prevent cavities,
    • eliminate bacteria that cause cavities and inflammation of the gums,
    • prevent bacteria from adhering to your teeth (reduce plaque),
    • enhance mouth immunity in general,
    • and through all this freshen the breath naturally
​​While these statements are not out there to make claims of curing disease, we do know that ancient traditional medicine has proven over and over again to provide benefits that outweigh modern medicine.  It's our job to harness it and bring it back into our daily lives.  To do that, we have formulated our Oral Care Line with Neem Bark  which includes Tooth Chips - Soap for Teeth, Tooth Spritz with Neem Bark and our newest Neem Mouthwash,  to bring this ancient tradition into each and every home that God allows us to touch.  None of these products contain fluoride, parabens, tricolsan, or other nasty chemicals.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are in no way meant to diagnose, cure or prevent disease.
Posted by: Monica AT 01:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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