Now made with ORGANIC sunflower and coconut oils and a NON-paraben preservative.
Super rich and creamy, our fresh goat milk creams are like dipping your finger into whipping cream. Fulfilling the main purpose of any cream - to keep the skin moist - goat milk cream coats your body with skin loving properties and feeds hungry skin cells.
Awesome experience once again! Cream absorbs super quick into skin, leaving it smooth and silky. No greasy or heavy residue. I love it!
In addition to fresh goat milk, filled with natural butterfat, our creams are made with the moisturizing properties of vitamin E rich sunflower oil, coconut oil and lecithin which are natural phospholipids and fantastic humectants. Phospholipids attract water from the surrounding air and hold it where an increased level of hydration is needed. Therefore, phospholipids increase the hydration levels of the skin without forming a film to prevent water loss and suffocating normal cellular function.
Many conventional creams form a suffocating film on the skin to prevent moisture loss which can produce clogged pours and awful results. Even glycerin, which actually attracts water from the air and surrounding tissue, only keeps the skin moist as long as there is sufficient moisture in the air. In a dry climate it actually produces a drying effect by drawing moisture from the skin.

My niece gave me a couple of goat milk creams as a gift. Each of them has a distinct fragrance and a soft and smooth texture. I am using the cream in the morning under my make-up and in the evening to refresh my skin during the night. My skin is smooth and soft and hopefully I will never have to be without this product!
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To prevent our products from being classified as drugs under Section 201(g) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, we are required to inform you that there is no intention, implied or otherwise that represents or infers that these products or statements be used in the cure, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease.